Go back in time to the days of the Wild West where animals were marked with branding irons to establish ownership. This is where the term branding originated by marking their items and property so that they could make a positive identification.
Giddy-up and gallop ahead to present day, where branding has evolved to the business world. It lets the consumer know the product they are using belongs to that company, and thus through consistent use, creates brand loyalty, which in turn increases sales. It seems everywhere you go in the business world these days people are talking about brands. That is because brands are of extraordinary value to your business. It is about relationships between customers and companies. A well-marketed brand can be of more value than all of their property, plants and equipment combined. Have you reached a business milestone? We can help with a customized anniversary logo.
Cross platform and scalable. What does that mean? Scalable means vector designs that keep their attributes because they are mathematically created designs used in a small size like a pen or promo items – or a large size like a giant banner or a vehicle wrap. Whether big or small, they always remain crisp and clean. Cross platform means the colour selection is consistent across print, website, on-screen or high volume printing. Yes… all technical terms and a bit overwhelming – that’s why you’ve got to call in the pros – to make it easier for you. Logos are a main component of your brand identity. They are created to attract your target market as your first and most memorable impression and then marketed through consistent use; they will create a brand loyalty for your product and services. Consistent uses of fonts, colour and visual images can create a lasting impression. Consistency creates comfort for the consumer. Invite them in and let them stay a while.